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Used Challenger Tractor Finance Calculator

Chandlers Used Challenger Tractors are pleased to be able to offer you a handy Finance Calculator tool from our Finance partners AGCO Finance. This finance calculator can be used to work out some typical Hire Purchase finance figures for the purhase of a Used Challenger tractor in the UK. The figures provided are typical rates and are subject to status, credit approval and change at any time. Full terms and conditions and finance options can be discussed with your local AGCO Finance area representitive who will be happy to assist you.

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Challenger Used Challenger Tractors
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Finance Calculator


Chandlers Used Challenger tractors in partnership with AGCO Finance have provided this handy Finance Calculator for the provision of a guide to the typical repayments required on an Hire Purchase agreement to finance the buying of a Used AGCO Challegner Tracked Tractor. 

All finance figures shown are typical values, and are subject to status and credit approval by AGCO Finance and are provided as a guide only to allow you to assess the affordability of a used Challenger tracked tractor you have seen advertised. The rate shown may change at any time, and this handy finance calculator guide does not constitute an offer of finance.

To use the Finance calcluator, you will need to fill in the amount to finance (tractor price), the deposit you will be providing (this can be the value of your trade in tractor, or a cash deposit you wish to put down), the period of borrowing and the frequency of the repayments. As this is only a simple calculator the options are restricted to simple repayment profiles, however your local area AGCO Finance representitive will be happy to discuss your borrowing requirements to provide the most suitable re-payment profile to suit your particular needs. 

As with all borrowing full terms and conditions apply, and these will be provided by your local AGCO Finance representitive on a personal quotation if you wish to go ahead with the purchase of a used Challenger tractor.

If you would perfer to speak direclty to our AGCO finance representitive then please contact Janet Bush on 07860 356803 or email

To recieve your Finance Calculator guide result you simply need to fill in the form below, create a simple login to our site (or use your existing login), and the details you fill in on this form will then be shown instantly online. We will also send you an email as a record of the details of the finance calculator guide result.

© Chandlers Used Challenger Tractors 2010-13


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Finance Calculator

Chandlers Used Challenger Tractors, specialists in the retail, trade and export sales of used Challenger  tractors in the UK and Europe Chandlers (Farm Equipment) Ltd. - established in 1935, celebrates 75 years of serving the farming community in 2010, supplying Challenger tractors Chandlers Used Challenger Tractors are 5 star AGCO dealers for sales parts and service of Challenger Tractors